1] What is Hal.dll file

Hal.dll = Hardware Abstraction Layer. While Windows manages all the hardware, it doesn’t do it directly. Instead, it uses what is called Layer. It is standard practice, so the low-level device and its calls are not exposed directly. It also enhances security. HAL is the layer that sits between the hardware and the rest of the operating system. Hal.dll includes functions to low hardware functions, which the OS can call using the DLL. Some of the users must have seen mention of HAL in BSOD. One such example is HAL_INITIALIZATION_FAILED. It happens because one of the hardware failed to start correctly. Read: HAL INITIALIZATION FAILED Stop Error 0x0000005C

2] What is  Kernel32.dll file

Kernel32.dll = Library to connect with the central part of an operating system. Part of the Win32 API DLLs (kernel32.dll, user32.dll, gdi32.dll ) is loaded in the memory when Windows boots up. It includes Win32-based API, which can, in turn, do memory management, input/output (I/O) operations, process and thread creation, and synchronization functions. Some examples where the DLL is used are the termination of a program, counting the number of files in a directory, calculating the amount of free disk space, etc. One of the common errors seen is— Initialization of the dynamic library \system32\kernel32.dll failed. The process is terminating abnormally.

2] What is User32.dll file

User32.dll = Library or Functions related to user and user interface. The DLL contains Windows API functions related to the Windows user interface. For example, when PrintScreen and paste it into Paint or when you change the current video resolution, minimize and maximize windows, and so on. It is evident that it works with kernel32.dll and gdi32.dll to complete the action. All these files are located in the System32 folder. If you have 64-bit OS, they may be available in the SysWOW64 directory. If you find them located in some other location as well, it is best to run your antivirus scan. Want to know about these processes, files, or file types? Ntoskrnl.exe, Ntkrnlpa.exe, Win32k.sys | Ntdll.dll, Advapi32.dll, Gdi32.dll | CompatTelRunner.exe | Windows.edb files | csrss.exe | Rundll32.exe | Thumbs.db files | NFO and DIZ files | Index.dat file | Swapfile.sys, Hiberfil.sys & Pagefile.sys | Nvxdsync.exe | Svchost.exe | RuntimeBroker.exe | TrustedInstaller.exe | DLL or OCX files | StorDiag.exe.

Hal dll  Kernel32 dll  User32 dll files explained - 17Hal dll  Kernel32 dll  User32 dll files explained - 71