Concenturio Alarm Reminder for Windows

Alerts and notifications have become an important part of our daily routines. Having the right tool at hand, capable of planning and organizing it can make the task seemingly manageable. Programs like Concenturio specialize in this. It is quite light in weight application (file size of just 3.94 MB). When installed, it helps you complete all your tasks on time. The time management solution offers several functions such as showing reminder windows and playing audio files of your own choice. Once you install the application successfully, you can access two tabs,

For creating an individual taskFor creating a list of tasks.

The functionality of each tab, however, remains the same. For instance, when defining a new task, the user simply must enter the time when the event is due, and a reminder text, alongside an alarm.

Having all this information entered, Concenturio will save the task. If you choose to create multiple tasks i.e., a list of tasks, you will get even more options to configure like setting recurrences (run every day or only on certain days of a week).

You can also customize your reminder with a description and enable an audio alarm via a popup window for the same so that you don’t miss out on any deadline. There are multiple alarm sounds options available. You can also select a desired audio file as an alarm. The application is currently available in English, French, German, Hungarian.

The only thing I found missing in this nifty application is that there’s no option for protecting the program’s settings and tasks with a password. A such, even an unauthorized user can have access to it. That apart, the application is good for common use. Download it from the Home page.

Concenturio is a free Alarm Reminder software for Windows PC - 3Concenturio is a free Alarm Reminder software for Windows PC - 77